Wrap Party for Round Three, Challenge Eight

Mar 21, 2009 11:11

Good morning/Good midday/Good evening to all. I am your Master of Ceremonies, Ticky Box.

Welcome to the weekly wrap party at Club dramione_ldws - The bar is open and the buffet is to die for! I know you're all anxious to see the results, so without further ado...

The envelopes, please.

For the category of Most Favorite drabble this week, the Globe goes to...


For the category of Moderator's Choice drabble this week, the Walk of Fame star goes to...


"Visitation" was certainly a crowd pleaser and we can see why- the imagery is evocative, the tone is mature, balanced and delicate, and that last line is a killer.

Congratulations, Bookish, you pwned this challenge.

Finally, it is with a great deal of sadness that I must announce this week's contribution to the Cutting Room Floor -

kate0404. :-(

Awwww, give us two hugs! We are going to miss your writing, but we sure hope you stick around to read and vote. We also hope you sign up for the next round!

And __vintagebomb . :-(

__vintagebomb unfortunately has RL obligations that prevent her from further participation, but we'd love to share what would have been her entry for this week:

Title: Temporary Insanity
Author: __vintagebomb
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 372

Hermione thought that people these days simply gave up too easily. They take one look at his matted hair, the glassy expression in his eyes, and the bit of dried drool on the corner of his mouth, and they shake their heads in disappointment and walk away. She was the last Healer in the building who has not yet abandoned him.

Even Harry and Ron have ceased trying to get her to move on. She couldn't. Hermione could not work at a different ward until she knew he was cured.

After all, she was the reason why Draco Malfoy is currently residing at the permanent spell damage ward in St. Mungo's, completely out of his mind.

They didn't understand. None of them were there when he was being unmercifully tortured after saving her life and talking back to his father. None of them were there as he writhed on the ground, scratching off his fingernails on the cold marble floor with blood slowly seeping out of his ears. They weren't there to see a man tortured beyond his sanity.

He mumbles incoherently every now and then. He can't feed himself and he requires the aid of two Mediwitches just to go to the bathroom. He gets nightmares too. There are some instances when he just starts to scream. He clutches the sheets as if in pain and he screams and screams until his voice is raw and hoarse. Hermione has no choice but to sedate him with a potion.

After the end of every episode, the Healers tell her the same thing. "There's no hope. He'll never be cured."

Hermione would always shake her head. They didn't know.

The Healers never seem to be around when, for a flicker of a moment, something sparks in Draco's eyes when he sees her. The corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk. He is barely able to mouth out, "I love you," before his eyes become dull the next second and he is no longer looking at her but at the spot on the wall.

She didn't care what they said because she would forever hold on to that glimmer of hope that one day he'll regain control of his mind. She was sure of it.


We certainly hope that you aren't too busy to sign up for the next round, Vintage, and remember to take break every once in a while to read and vote!

Finally, here are the voting tallies.

kalina_blue mf: 3 lf: 5 floorcoaster mf: 2 lf: 5
greenschist mf: 7 lf: 0 hathorx mf: 6 lf: 3
midnight_birth mf: 2 lf: 5 bookishwench mf: 14 lf: 0
dazzled_x mf: 2 lf: 7 luvscharlie mf: 1 lf: 3

Writers who wish to receive feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on Monday or so.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - visit the buffet and have a few on us. We'd like to add a special additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Last but certainly not least, next week's challenge will be posted shortly.

round 3, results

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