Screaming in the Reminder Back Lot Forest.

Feb 24, 2009 14:45

Attention Writers!

Your drabbles are due in the Production office by 11:59 pm, EST - New York (-4 GMT) on February 25th.

Will you make it in time? YOU HAVE ABOUT TWENTY NINE HOURS. ~taps clock~

See The World Clock for time comparison to a city near you.

Do not end up on the Cutting Room Floor through neglect! Encountered a snafu? Contact Studio Head pokeystar ASAP.

And now for a DVD extra - Producers Commentary:
***A behind-the-scenes look at Moderator's Choice.***

Every week, temporary studio head/script girl pokeystar gathers the submitted drabbles. She checks them for word count & coding.
If they pass, the drabbles are added to the voting post in a random pattern (the first drabble submitted may or may not be the number one drabble in the voting order). Once the deadline has passed, the voting post is checked for coding and format, then is added to the dramione_ldws site. When the post is up, pokeystar alerts janaparmajana and our special guest judge(s) to make their choices (a top three). pokeystar reads the drabbles and makes her choices as well. All of us keep these guidelines in mind when making our choices:

  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

It is up to the writer and the reader/voter to determine how the prompt is/was best incorporated.

As for Moderator's Choice, here is an example of what typically happens next (NOT an actual week's choice tally).

mod #1: 13, 6, 3

mod #2: 5, 8, 10

mod #3: 8, 1, 15

mod #4: 4, 13, 2

As you can see - there is rarely a clear concensus on the Mod's Choice, same as the actual vote tallies.

Because it is rare to have a concensus, we developed the following procedure:

The mods pick the same = Mod Choice
(ex: mod #1- 3, 6 ,7 mod #2- 3, 8, 9 = 3 Mod Choice)

The mods have same numbers in different positions= highest rank is Mod Choice
(ex: mod #1- 4, 5 ,9 mod #2 - 5, 6 ,8 = 5 Mod Choice)

The mods have different numbers, but highest ranking is crowd favorite=other
highest ranking is Mod's Choice
(ex: mod #1- 4, 5. 9 mod #2- 7, 1, 3 Voting=4 ; 7=Mod Choice)

Back to the original example:

mod #1: 13, 6, 3

mod #2: 5, 8, 10

mod #3: 8, 1, 15

mod #4: 4, 13, 2

In this case, 13 & 8 are the highest ranking mod choices. If 8 or 13 wins the voting tallies, then the other number gets Mod Choice.

If neither 8 nor 13 wins the voting tallies, pokeystar flips a coin. Heads, 8 gets Mod Choice. Tails, 13 gets Mod Choice.

This is the fairest and most expedient procedure the Mods thought of; and this procedure is followed every week to insure fairness and consistency.

Head Producer pokeystar hopes you enjoyed that glimpse at the backstage organized chaos. If you have any thoughts, comments or concerns, she encourages you to speak up here (comments are screened) OR message her privately.

mod post, round 3, reminder

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