Round 2 Challenge #11: Results

Nov 20, 2008 09:51

Congratulations once again for making it to the end of the challenge! This Round was simply amazing, and it was really great getting to know each of our participants a little better and seeing their contributions to the dramione community.

I’d like to start off by thanking my co-mods. pokeystar joined me after last Round, and it’s been a total blast. Whether coming up with prompt ideas or advertising, she’s been a valuable addition to the dramione_ldws team. So thank you, pokey, for everything!

And of course, our banner maker, janaparmajana, who made not only the header for the comm, but also the beautiful banners for participants each week. She’s agreed to stay with us for at least one more round, and we are thrilled to have her.

Now the results you’ve been waiting for!

You all read the drabbles, so you all know that they were incredible. Many of you commented about how hard it was to vote, but vote you did, and we THANK YOU VOTERS! Without you, we wouldn’t have a challenge.

Congratulations, again, to our top three finalists: inadaze22, greenschist, and ilkee for making it this far!

The WINNER of Round 2 of dramione_ldws is greenschist!! She wrote “Enduring the Darkness” [prompted] and “Let’s Do Lunch” [free choice].

The First Runner-Up came in just behind the winner. They were separated by only 2 points! Congratulations to ilkee, who wrote “Surviving” [prompted] and “Coming Back to Hermione” [free choice].

Our Second Runner-Up is inadaze22, who wrote “In This Moment” [prompted] and “Amid the Falling Snow” [free choice]. Excellent job, and congrats again!!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: I’ll send out the last batch of feedback for this round very soon.

Thanks to everyone who has followed this Round! We’ll be back soon with more information about Round 3, and you’ll be hearing from pokeystar in the next few days!

finale, round 2, results

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