Round 2 Challenge #2: Results

Sep 06, 2008 00:01

Challenge: Lies, Lies, Lies!!

We had a very intense, very close week two. One hour before voting ended, we had a five-way tie for top drabble. Thanks to a few last-minute voters, we have a clear winner. Congratulations to everyone who submitted a drabble - they were completely amazing.

This week’s winner is (again!) bookishwench, who wrote “Fairest of them All” with +5 points (7 votes).

This week, we’re eliminating two participants - it’s doubly hard! We really hope everyone appreciate their feedback and puts it into practice for the next writing challenge you take, whether with us or someone else. That said, the mods with the best of luck to the_woods_ & ginny_love1. Thank you so much for playing! And happy writing!

This week’s mod’s choice was a sweet and well-crafted untruth. Though there were a few we loved, what clinched this one for us was the last line.

“drunk on alcohol and love” by dysenchanted2 gets the Mod’s Choice award this week! Congratulations!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: Will now be left in a comment to the submission post, all of which will remain screened. Sorry for the confusion after last week! And please let us know if you can’t see your feedback!

Other results:

1. delayed_poet - I Still Hate You (+4 points, 4 votes)
2. dynonugget - A Sign (+4 points, 4 votes)
3. kate0404 - Two Truths and a Lie (+1 point, 5 votes)
4. inadaze22 - Not My Place (+4 points, 6 votes)
5. ebilgatoloco - Manufactured Truths (-3 points, 3 votes)
6. emm718 - A Lesson for a Liar (+1 point, 5 votes)
7. ravenswing34 - Two Truths and One Lie (+2 points, 2 votes)
8. imogen_penn - Little White Lies (+4 points, 8 votes)
9. ilkee - The Gardenia Pin (+3 points, 5 votes)
10. acerola21 - Forgiveness (-3 points, 3 votes)
11. greenschist - For the Cause (+3 point2, 3 vote2)
12. telperaca - True Lies (-1 point, 1 vote)
13. dysenchanted2 - drunk on alcohol & love (+1 point, 3 votes)

Voter count this week: 44! Woo-hoo! Our goal is to increase votership each week, even if it’s only by one person. This is a great leap in participation, which sets the bar for next week pretty high. But I know that together, we can do it. PIMP, people, pimp! Next challenge up soon!

round 2, results

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