Oct 13, 2018 12:17

Remember you have to be a member of dramione_duet to access fic and art rated R or over.

Round 10 is now complete! Thank you to all of our wonderful writers and artists:



And a special thank you to our heroic pinch-hitter, rzzmg, who created a wonderful, insightful story in record time!

I think ariel_riddle and tori_gingerfox also deserve a special mention for each taking part in two duets, both writing a story and creating artwork.

And I know I say it every year, but this year I think it's especially true: everybody's story and everybody's artwork was exceptional! You made your mod very proud!

Here, for everyone's reading and viewing pleasure, is the Master List:

ariel_riddle Consequences of Pining (NC-17) 'Granger makes him want to do things he knows he shouldn’t. She makes him want things he knows he can’t have. He thinks of finally letting go, as if he were actually free to make such a choice.' In which Hermione’s boyfriend is becoming distant, her friends won’t stop hovering, and Pansy is definitely up to something.
slytheringal94 Insomnia (NC-17) Healers at St Mungo’s, Draco and Hermione are working on a difficult potion when something goes wrong. What will happen?

courtinsanity Aphrodisiac (NC-17) After Draco saves Hermione from danger, she finds herself in his debt. His request? That she pretends to date him to repay the favour. For their first date, he takes her to the Manor to meet his mother, but Narcissa Malfoy wasn’t born yesterday. She knows that the relationship between the pair is fake, but she’s also aware that the unresolved sexual tension is almost palpable. Lacing their tea with a potion that will either make them incredibly *attracted* to each other if they are compatible, or kill them instantly if not, seems like an insane risk to take, but the Malfoy matriarch is sure it will pay off; grandchildren don’t grow on trees, you know.
rzzmg Cupid Made Me Do It (PG-15) Cupid's a Slytherin with a heart of gold, and he's determined to see one sexist Angel and a certain swotty She-Devil finally use their mouths for a much better purpose than sniping at each other.

ariel_riddle Under a Sky Full of Fireworks (G) Hermione and Draco bump into each other at a New Year's party. Draco kicks up the charm. and Rendezvous in the Library (G) The library is a great place for stolen kisses.
tori_gingerfox Moonlight Escape (G) A secret encounter in the woods. A stolen kiss under the moonlight. A burning passion, an all-consuming love, against all odds. Will the Red Princess and the Black Knight manage to keep their love hidden?

frumpologist The French Connection (M) Hermione and Draco are on a job in Paris. Mission: connect Pansy Parkinson with the sudden plundering of unicorn hairs for use in her new fashion line. All is going according to plan until a friendly game of Monopoly turns into a drinking game, and then Hermione is left with all sorts of feelings she’d been trying to squash for months, her very own part to play in Pansy’s fashion show, and a murderer on the loose.
mykesprit This is your Brain on Love (M) To test their cure-all antidote, Hermione takes a dose of Amortentia and falls in love with Draco… her boss.

hiddenhibernian Beacons of Light (PG-13) After the war, the battle for the Ministry's soul is fought over at interminable committee meetings. A reformed Draco is there with a Muggle pen in his hand, fighting very hard to stay awake. It gets much more interesting when he notices that Hermione Granger actually has a sense of humour.
tygermine Baby Steps (G) Draco and Hermione do the Red Tape Tap Dance of Bureaucracy.

sleepy_grimm Dramione Deatheaters and New Beginnings (M) In order for Harry Potter to survive the war, Draco and Hermione must work alongside one another as spies for the Order -- to be Voldemort's Death Eaters and Living life without magic is hard -- impossible, even -- but five years after the war, Draco and Hermione are making an effort to live a quiet life in the Muggle world. New beginnings are difficult to conjure without much magic by their side, and yet a budding family makes it all worth while.
slytheringal94 A Love Story (G) A story of love and coming back to the Wizarding World after running away so many years ago!

rivertempest Denied Reality (PG-13) Draco unearths the truth of his reality and it changes his entire world. Will he choose his past or an uncertain future with Hermione Granger?
tori_gingerfox Drampire State of Mind (T) Hermione, Harry and Ron all go back to Hogwarts after the War to complete their education. So does an unusually pale Draco Malfoy, who has been acting very strange lately. Almost...nice. Hermione’s determined to get to the bottom of it. But will she be able to live with what she finds? 8th year AU.

articcat621 The Game is On (T) Hermione is more than excited to sign up for Flourish and Blott's Aspiring Writer Competition. She's also surprised to see Malfoy signed up too. And of course, he has to make things interesting.
rzzmg (pinch-hitter) Hide & Seek (alternatively, 'The Chameleon') (PG-15) "Masks aren't only for the ballroom. Sometimes they're for a person's protection, too. You know that as well as I do, don’t you, Granger?"


Participants, you are now free to post your stories and artwork elsewhere! And if you have an extended version or extra work you'd like to share, by all means post it at our AO3 Collection! (You are welcome to re-use the banners if you like).

dramione_duet has a Collection at Archive Of Our Own (AO3), and I've had my yearly wrestling match with the archive and created a new Subcollection for Round 10, 2018. If, when you're posting your story at AO3, you type round10_2018 into the Post to Collections/Challenges field, your story will be added to the Round 10 Subcollection:

If you want to add your previous stories to earlier Subcollections, the tags are:


Finally, a big, big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on the stories and artwork. Don't forget that, if you don't comment, the writers and artists don't know whether or not you liked their work. If you want more of the stories and artwork you've enjoyed, you need to let them know you liked them!! SO, PLEASE, IF YOU ENJOY A STORY OR A PIECE OF ART, DO TAKE A MOMENT TO TELL THE AUTHOR/ARTIST.

!masterlist!, !mod-post!

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