Important information for participants!

Aug 21, 2011 09:13

Hi! One of your fellow participants is finding it absolutely impossible to reduce her story down to the required word count. So, after some discussion, she and I have decided that she will prepare a shortened version for the actual duet, but we will also make the 'extended' version available as a pdf.

And, to make things fair, I'm offering that 'service' to everyone.

So, when you're submitting your story:

- if you've found yourself in the same predicament, just send me both versions, and I'll make the longer version into a pdf and host it at my website

- if your story isn't over the limit, but you'd still like to make it available as a pdf (in addition to the LJ post), just say so in your email.

And, if you can see some crazy flaw in this plan, please let me know! Comments are screened.

Now I'm going to show enormous self control -- because I'm dying to know how everyone's getting on -- keep my promise, and leave you alone until a week before the due date :-)

!round 3 2011!, !mod-post!

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