Dramione_duet Round 12 2020 -- Call for Prompts!!

Sep 23, 2020 10:18

Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

To submit a prompt,

First, check out the very brief Guidelines on the Community Profile. Since posting will begin in late November, a Yuletide theme would be fun, but isn't mandatory. Alternatively, you may want to explore aspects of the current situation, but I'll leave that up to you.

Next, if you don't already have a LiveJournal account and/or are not a member of dramione_duet, you may find things easier if you create one and/or join!

Thirdly, copy the form below, paste it into a comment, and fill it in. All comments are screened, so no one else can see the information you provide.


Do you want your prompt(s) to be anonymous:
Magic Word (hint: it's hidden in the rules!):

Prompts (You may submit as many as you like, but please make sure it's clear where one ends and the next begins!):

[ ] Fic
[ ] Art
[ ] Either

{Replace this text with the prompt}

[ ] Fic
[ ] Art
[ ] Either

{Replace this text with the prompt}

[ ] Fic
[ ] Art
[ ] Either

{Replace this text with the prompt}

etc, etc...

---------- Optional information ----------

Which rating(s) do you prefer?
[ ] No higher than PG-13
[ ] PG-13/R
[ ] R/NC-17
[ ] Any

Which era(s) do you prefer?
[ ] Hogwarts years
[ ] During the war
[ ] Post-DH, EWE
[ ] Post-DH, epilogue compliant
[ ] Any

List your Kinks (things you like):

List your Squicks (things you don't like/hate):

If you've agreed to reveal your username to the writer/artist, are you also happy for them to contact you by LJ PM to discuss your prompt(s):

  • Answer the voting-style questions by typing an X inside the brackets!
  • For art, kinks and squicks must refer to content, not to medium or style.
  • A prompt can be virtually anything, including songs or pictures, but please try to provide a variety of different types so that participants can be given a choice.

Thank you for your prompts!

!round12 2020!, !prompts!, !mod-post!

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