Voting Post: Sexiest Flash Fiction

Sep 23, 2010 10:45

Sexiest Flash Fiction (101-500 words)

Complete rules and procedures can be found on the main voting page. To summarize:

1. To submit your votes for this category, copy and paste the code below into a comment to this post (will be screened), or send it in an email to dramioneawards[at]gmail[dot]com. No anonymous comments allowed!
2. You must vote for your top THREE favorite fics, and rank them with your top favorite fic in the #1 position.
3. When casting your vote, please use the number assigned to the fic, rather than writing out the whole title.

CODE (4b):

4b - Sexiest Flash Fiction:


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100 Fantasies from the Charma Sutra by ldymusyc (NC-17)

088. Throat.

"Tip your head back," she murmured, and the low tones of her voice, breathy with anticipation, had Draco responding before he'd even realized he'd moved. The crown of his head touched her stomach as she stood behind him, and he closed his eyes, wondering what she had planned. It didn't take long for him to discover her intent, as he felt her fingers resting lightly on his collar. She unfastened the buttons and spread the fabric apart. Draco swallowed as she brushed the tips of her nails up his throat.

He gripped the cushions of the sofa when she drew one finger around the curved ends of his clavicle, rubbing gently on the notch between them. "You have five spots on your throat that drive you wild," she told him with laughter in her voice. "Did you know that?"

He shook his head.

"Count them for me," she whispered. The sofa squeaked under his grip as she slid the pad of her thumb across an area low and to the left of his throat.

Draco scraped his teeth across his lip. "One."

Hermione purred and stroked the length of his neck. On the right side, behind his ear, she twitched her nails in a quick, scratching motion. Draco jerked, blood rushing through him to his cock. He stifled a groan. "Two."

"Very good." Hermione bent over him and kissed his forehead, then moved around to face him. She straddled his lap and brushed the point of one finger just under his jaw.

Draco hissed, writhing in the chair. "Three."

She gave a soft laugh of delight. She edged closer as he slumped, until her skirt rucked up her thighs and her knees almost pressed into the back of the sofa. He settled his hands on her hips and pulled her closer, guiding her to ride him. The material of his trousers was nearly useless as a barrier and he felt wet heat through them. His eyes snapped open as he realized she was wearing nothing beneath her skirt.

Hermione leaned down and sucked on his neck, just over his racing pulse. Draco groaned, his hips lifting on instinct to grind his cock against her. "F-four."

"One more," she told him, her lips moving against his ear. "Can you guess where it is?"

He whimpered and canted his head back further, exposing his throat to her. He tipped his head to the side and the material of his shirt moved, leaving the curve of his shoulder open. "There. Please."

She hummed with pleasure. "Correct."

Before Draco could draw breath, she dove in, sinking her teeth into the flesh there. Draco cried out, bucking under her, his fingers digging into her hips with bruising force. Hermione hung on, biting down on his throat, and Draco's shout rattled the windows. "Five!"

She released him and sat up, her hips rocking on his. With a growl, Draco twisted her over onto her back and bent to find her wild spots.

LoveGame by megans_writing (R)

"You have very odd fetishes, Granger." Draco growled as she cracked a chocolate covered cherry on the dragon tattoo that covered the majority of his broad chest. "If any of that mess gets on my brand new silk sheets, I will kill you."

"Some bedside manner you have." Hermione said, brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"What? These are five hundred galleons sheets. I don't want chocolate cherry goop all of them. It's a reasonable request."

She rolled her eyes, and swooped down to his chest, licking the chocolate and cherry off. Draco moaned, raking his nails down her back, surely making marks.

"That was the point of putting food on your chest." Hermione stated matter-of-factly when she sat up.

Draco was silent, unable to admit defeat.

Opaque Rays by spadul

Draco wakes up to a thick stream of sunlight blinding him with its opaque rays. He squints his eyes for a few moments, calculating. He sinks further into the bed, noting the absence beside him, and smirks to himself as he inhales tiredly. His legs flex, and he slowly rights himself, his bare feet landing on the hardwood.

He pads softly down the hall, and stops as he reaches the doorway. He sees something that warms the ice inside of him, something that is no comparison to the meagerly heated grasp of the sun. His smirk deepens, and he folds his arms across his bare chest as he leans against the wooden doorframe with his pants slung low on his hips.

“Granger,” he acknowledges, and she spins around quickly, a spatula in her hand and a wide, surprised smile turned up on her lips. Her grin turns coy as her cheeks tint red, her eyes lost in memory, and she turns back to face the oven. She’s wearing nothing more than a white undershirt and a miniscule pair of pants that barely cover her buttocks, and it’s almost as if she senses where his line of vision is fixed, because she catches his eye a second later.

“I’m making pancakes.”

He nods. “I see that.” He takes a few long strides, until he is standing directly behind her. He tentatively lifts his hands, slowly moving his fingers as if to tempt them to reach out and touch her back, her waist, her sides. He drops his hands, but moves his face close to her ear. “But what if I don’t want pancakes?” His voice is low and gravely, and goosebumps break out across her neck.

She smiles to herself, a knowing smile, and clears her throat softly. “Well, what would you like instead?” Her voice nearly trembles.

“What do you have to offer?” He loses the battle with his hands, and they automatically reach for her hips. His thumbs rub lazy circles while she contemplates her answer.

She leans back into him, and nearly purrs with satisfaction at the heat radiating off his body. “Eggs?”

He shakes his head, his breaths fanning out on her neck. “Don’t think so.”

“Kippers, then.”

His hands leave her hips and trail up and under her shirt, his fingers leisurely spreading out across her smooth stomach. “No,” he whispers into her ear.

“Hmm,” she whispers back, because everything is so loud right now. “Bang,” she inhales sharply as his mouth captures her neck, “ers.” She clears her throat. “Bangers?”

He chuckles and turns her around in his arms. She fumbles for the fixtures, turning the stovetop off and tossing the spatula onto the counter.

“That’s one way of putting it,” he says slowly, as her hands explore his chest. He leans his head down as a contented hum passes his lips, and she meets his stare. “You know what I want, Granger.”

“That I do,” she admits slowly, and his lips capture hers.

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round 7, voting

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