I'm a bad bad mod I know. I've sorta been here and there the last few weeks so sorry for not having been sending out challenges.
First off, please don't think you need a challenge in order to write or post your Draco/Hermione drabbles here becuase you can post any that you have. Whether they meet up with an old challenge, a new one or not one at all. Anything as long as it's D/Hr is welcome :)
Okay now remember the member that writes the most drabbles will choose next weeks challenge, so write alot!! The member that wrote the most for the Comm Unity Challenge was
demonicpixy with two for the week. But alas she's in Spain so i'll choose this one and we'll let her choose in two weeks when she gets back. So without further ado this weeks challenge is:
And I will leave the meaning of the word up to you. Good luck, Happy Drabbling and Lotsa D/Hr love!!