(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 10:56

Sometimes it’s upsetting to me when I see that the most popular stories in fanfic are usually rated NC-17. I mean, not that it’s a bad thing, but there is so much talent out there that goes undiscovered because people will only read pornographic fanfic. So, I have to recommend Late Night Conversations Over a Rothmans

This story is so great and the characters are spot on. Hermione is portrayed as a smoker, but for some reason, it just works and it is not over done in the slightest. Usually when I read a Hermione that is doing drugs or something, it’s way over the top and completely OOC. However, this is perfect. If you don’t like the smoking, all you have to do is look past it and realise it’s not the main part of this fic; the dialogue is what really drives it. The conversations between Hermione and Draco are so real it’s amazing. You feel, as a reader, that you are there watching these conversations between these two teenagers. That is the difference between this fic and others; it’s the dialogue that makes it fantastic. A great story has great dialogue and the dialogue is phenomenal. Sex driven stories are great and all, but it’s not always what all fanfic is about.

It’s creative, extremely plausible, and all you want to know is “WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?!”

I really hope you all read this story; it’s so worthwhile you have no idea.

Late Night Conversations Over a Rothmans

Late Night Conversations Over a Rothmans

Late Night Conversations Over a Rothmans

x-posted because I had to.

fic: recs (rating: pg-13)

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