Title: Cry Salvation
Author: forgetablelove, womanlikeme, dreamerofeverything, cynicaldreamer
Rating: PG for now; R later
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Chapter: Fires of Controdictions (8/??)
Summery of chapter: he only wanted to see the fires of hatred back in her eyes, not hear the news that will make him full to contradictions.
Author's Notes: A big thank you to my beta
thorpeyfreak! She is awesome and "Englishfies" it perfectly! Feedback completely welcome!
Cry Salvation: Fires of Contradictions )
Previsious Chapters:
Chapter 7: Taste of Reality ) // (
Chapter 6: A New Life ) // (
Chapter 5: Conditions ) // (
Chapter 4: the Talk ) // (
Chapter 3: Interrogation ) // (
Chapter 2: Found ) // (
Chapter 1: Didn't Kill Him )