Wanted: Ideas for a toddler Draco fic (deaged)

Nov 15, 2018 20:43

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3yo Cousin's Story princesstd November 26 2018, 20:25:26 UTC
Hey, I just wanted to share a crazy story I have about my 3 year old cousin. Hope it'll give you some inspiration or help in some way.

It was really late at night (like 1am) - bc of jet lag I was chatting with my friend on the phone. And suddenly coming out from the staircase was this tiny heathen - most likely on a sugar high from a stash she found. She wanted to play but I wasn't in the mood and we'd probably wake up everyone. I had her some snacks from the fridge (maybe not the brightest thing to do) but I was having so much fun chatting with my BFF. After a gogurt and some cheese string, this tiny monster decides she's gonna play with me no matter what.

She pulls out this plastic toy baseball bat out of nowhere and proceeds to clobber me with it. Really it only hits my thighs but still for a teeny tot she sure pack alot into each swing. I'm so into my convo at this point (I think there was some really interesting piece of gossip being shared) and so decided the best way to handle this hyperactive, maiming kid would be to run.

So I ran. I ran thru the kitchen from the family room, into the living room and out thru the hall way until I finally reached the family room again with this little monster right on my heels. I basically become spiderman during our chase round and round the ground floor. I was like a super ninja spinning over couches and sliding under tables. This is all true! No joke!

In the early morning, you could have heard my cousin's playful yet also sorta demonic sounding cries (of joy as she thought I was finally playing with her) and my breathy conversation with lots of huffing and puffing. I'm surprised we didn't wake anyone up.

Soon, she tired out (at a good solid 20 minutes at least) and just decided to lay down on the couch - bat still in hand. She slowly drifted off to sleep and I sat down next to her - happy to get back to my conversation. Yes, my friend stayed on the line the entire this was going on.

Please send me the link to your deaged Draco fic once you've put it up. I'd love to read it!

Hope I helped,


RE: 3yo Cousin's Story angelofamore January 3 2019, 21:24:28 UTC
Thank you for sharing PrincessTD.
It gave me an idea for a playful Draco scene!
I'm sure I'll post it on FF and AO3 once I feel like it's finished and send you the link.
I rather dislike publishing ongoing stories since I got a weekly Dramione next gen one that keeps me way to busy.


RE: 3yo Cousin's Story princesstd February 8 2019, 20:56:38 UTC
I'm glad my story sparked your imagination :)

Please do send the link. I look forward to reading your Dramione.
Yes, I understand... as a reader, it's also frustrating to read an incomplete story.

Good luck writing both your stories!


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