Fic Search

Nov 08, 2015 18:45

Hi, I'm looking for a fic, where Ron & Ginny were basically the antagonist.

Harry, Ron and Draco were all working as Aurors.
Draco has been harboring feelings for Hermione. So when Ron was telling inappropriate & untrue tales of him and Hermione in bed, he punched him in the face, causing a brawl in the office. Ron went to Harry (Head of Auror) to complain and got Draco fired from the job.

The rest of the employees actually have a lot of complaint about Ron. He never did his job, was never punctual, he always ditched his responsibilities to others, etc. The employees never complaint to Harry because he was Harry's best friend and will side with Ron. They're afraid of getting fired, just like Malfoy.

I believe even Molly was being hateful toward Hermione, because she refused to believe that her son was lying.

Neville was present when Draco punched Ron and he explained everything to Harry. Harry finally called an Auror meeting where he fired Ron and told all the employees that they should have came to him in the first place.
As for Ginny, her relationship with Harry has been bad. Her attitude was horrible and she hated Harry's godson, Teddy. So Harry finally dumped her.

It's definitely a Dramione (because I don't read anything else :D). At the end of the story, Draco & Hermione got together, after she broke off her engagement to Ron.

fic search

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