DramioneLove Fest 2015 - need your input!

Nov 18, 2014 08:57

It's pretty clear from recently closed poll results regarding the next DramioneLove fest that this timeline is the clear winner, so we'll go with it:

Prompting: 15 January
Claiming: 5 February
Submissions Due: 5 May
Postings begin: 15 May

However, we have a mix of wants for a theme, and many of them are close enough that just picking one theme from each category I offered will turn some people off. I get the impression that limiting the possibilities will be a bad idea in terms of participation.

So... how about this for a compromise instead:

a DRAMIONE ADOPT-A-PROMPT fest - Any Dramione-related prompt you've made in the past anywhere can be re-offered for this fest for someone to write/draw, regardless of whether someone's written it before or not (since you're pretty much guaranteed that a new take will come of it). It has to be a re-used prompt, though, not an original one made up for this fest... and it has to be YOUR prompt (you can't copy someone else's prompt and put it up without their permission, since prompts "belong" to the people who's imagination from whence they came).

EDIT: If you've never made a Dramione prompt at a fest before, I was thinking of allowing people who have done so to offer up their prompts to others to post in their stead, if they're not interested in participating. We could compile a list from them and allow people to pick which ones they wanted to use as their adopt-a-prompt.

What do you think? Let me know by commenting to this post below.

I'll leave comment open until mid-December to give people time to see this post, consider it, and respond. Then, I'll make my decision.

activities: fests, plot bunnies, lj: dramionelove, participation, promotion, prompts

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