Beta Wanted!

Apr 13, 2014 21:34

Hey!  I'm looking for a full-time beta to look at a story about once a month along with my Dramione remix.

  • Harry Potter (Dramione only mostly)
  • Suits (Harvey/Donna mainly and gen)
  • White Collar (Neal/Sara and gen)
I'm mainly looking for someone who can commit to cheering me on and leading me in the right direction.  I'm pretty good with grammar and all that so it shouldn't take too long for a beta to look over my things.  I write in a lot of fandoms so I'd prefer a beta to be willing to read in multiple fandoms.  However, I write mostly for the above-mentioned ones so I'd want my beta to have more knowledge in those.

If you're interested, reply to this and we can talk more :)

Thanks in advance!

beta volunteers

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