HERE IS A LIST OF THE PROMPTS SUBMITTED FOR THE FEST. To claim a prompt -- Copy-paste the following template and
SUBMIT IT AS A COMMENT HERE BY CLICKING THIS LINK (your comments will be screened to maintain the anonymity of the fest):
Your email address:
Your Livejournal name (optional):
Prompt # (Top Choice):
Prompt # (Second Choice):
Prompt # (Third Choice):
Please provide three options, as this is a first-come, first-served fest and I'd you to get at least one of your wanted prompts.
When a prompt is claimed by someone, I will cross it off the list. It will no longer be available to others to claim unless its abandoned before the fest's last day for claiming ends. I'll update the list at least once a day, or as new sign-ups come on board to join the fest.
I reiterate: you do not need a Livejournal account to join in the fun. Anyone can join this fest, be they from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or any other social media site. This fest is open to the general public to participate.
Click here to read the Rules, FAQ, and Timeline, including how to format your headers & when/where to submit your final piece when ready. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me here on Livejournal with a private message.
Have fun!
rzzmg (fest moderator)