dramionelove Link:
Rules & Timeline FAQ,
List of Prompts & Sign-up/Claiming PageType of challenge: Prompting fest
Description: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger fest (Dramione) - theme is spring/summer (April, May, June, July months), a variety of genres and tropes available (from crack!fic, to lighthearted romance, to comedy, to sexy fun, to dark!fic)
Ratings restrictions: all ratings allowed
Length restrictions: 250 word minimum on fics, no maximum cap (write as much as you want); artwork can be hand-drawn, digitally-drawn, or a photo manipulation/banner (whatever your muse demands)
Timeline: Claiming was previously closed, but has been extended to the very last day of submissions - 31 July. You can claim an available prompt at any time between now and then. You can also make a second, third, etc. claim on prompts once your original submission is turned in. All submissions due by 1 August, 2013.