DramioneLove Summer Fest 2013: It's Official - we're doing it!

Mar 16, 2013 11:43

Originally posted by rzzmg at DramioneLove Summer Fest 2013: It's Official - we're doing it!
I have thoroughly taken in everyone's thoughts on the matter and considered what I want this community to represent and do for this fandom, and I have made the best decision possible to accommodate writer/artist schedules, other community's fest schedules, and the schedules of those who will be participating only in a reader/reviewer capacity in my decision.

Here's what I've decided for the DramioneLove Summer Fest 2013:
  1. Medium - This will be a fanfiction & fanart fest only. No podfic, fanmixes, or fanvideos - sorry!
  2. Size - This will be a small fic fest. Fic minimum words 250, maximum words 2500. Artworks have no limit on size or type (can include photo manip banners, hand-drawn, or digitally-drawn works).
  3. Type: Prompt-based fest - Submissions will be based on prompts the community puts out there (myself as Mod, included; no self-prompting for this fest... work off of the prompts supplied). Once you're done with a prompt and submitted your piece, you can go back and claim another prompt that's not taken, if you want.
  4. Type: Anonymous, exclusive fest - Author/artist names hidden until the Master List-Reveals come out (a week after the last submission is posted) and no posting your works elsewhere until the Master List-Reveals come out (they will be exclusive to the Summer Fest until that time)
  5. Allowable Characters - Based on the results of the poll conducted, this will be a fest starring Dramione as the main couple and the plot will revolve solely around them. Other couples/characters can be mentioned in the story and have speaking parts, but they cannot be prominently featured (i.e. given their own chapters... they must be used to enhance D & Hr only).
  6. Themes: The theme is SPRING/SUMMER (months: April, May, June, July). Your prompts & submissions must incorporate that theme somehow. See examples here to get an idea of what I mean.
  7. Tropes: There will be no limitation on tropes, so your muse won't feel confined. However, appropriate warnings for certain 'dark' elements must be included in your submission's header so readers who do not wish to read such stories can be forewarned and skip over them, if they wish. I'll include a list of those expected warnings in the Rules page, once it goes up (it will be the typical type of 'dark' elements you'd expect - i.e. non-con, use of Unforgivable curses, suicide, abuse, torture, etc.).
  8. Time line:
  • 25 May - 31 May - prompting
  • 1 June - 8 June - prompt claiming & assignments sent out (on a first come, first served basis)
  • 9 June - 31 July - writing
  • 1 August - posting
  • Master List-Reveals made 1 week after last entry post

As we get closer to the prompting date, I'll put up the rules, timeline, and information page & create a link for it in the left-hand menu.

I hope you'll consider joining this fest!

activities: fests, lj: dramionelove

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