Draco & Hermione in Sims 3 [IMAGE HEAVY]

Jan 04, 2013 03:39

I lurk the simblr community (simblr = "sim tumblr") and I see a lot of sims that players create which often resemble Draco and Hermione, so I thought I'd share some here. It's sort of my way of dream casting but with sims!

Mods, let me know if this belongs in the "fan art" tag or not. Wasn't too sure...

DISCLAIMER: None of these sims were created by me. Click the images to go to the original creators' tumblr page.


Her hair and expression is perfect!


My image of Draco changes from fic to fic which explains why there are so many here

Older Draco, maybe:

How I'd imagine Veela!Draco or vampire!Draco to look:

This reminds me of that one fic where Draco ends up losing one eye.
I forget the name but I think it involved time travel? Ah well.

Possible candidates for Draco and Hermione's offspring:

Could be Rose & Hugo:

fan art

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