2012 List of Fests where Dramione has been featured!

Oct 20, 2012 08:31

Originally posted by rzzmg at 2012 List of Fests where Dramione has been featured!

Here are some Dramione (Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger) events that have happened this year/are happening around the ‘net right now for you to check out:

(in alphabetical order by fest/challenge name)

1. D/HR Advent 2012 on dhr-advent LJ (assignments out; submissions due per date in Mod letter to authors; posting begins in December)

2. DMHG Challenge on dmhgchallenge LJ - March 2012April 2012May 2012June 2012July 2012August 2012September 2012October 2012

3. DMHG Challenge LDWS on dmhgchallenge LJ - Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5 (prompts due 21 October)
4. DMHG IContest on dmhg-icontest LJ - Challenge #67Challenge #68Challenge #69Challenge #70Challenge #71Challenge #72

5. DMHG Round Robin on dmhg-roundrobin LJ -  Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14

6. Dramione Couples Remix Fest on dramione-remix LJ -  Round 2Round 3 (begins posting 10 December)

7. Dramione Drabble on dramionedrabble LJ - drabble contest -  Valentine’s Challenge 2012

8. Dramione Duet on dramione-duet LJ (posting now! go read and review!)

9.  DramioneLove 2012 Trope Challenge on dramionelove LJ

10. Hawthorn & Vine Treasured Tropes Fest at dramione.org

11. Otter & Ferret Forever on AO3/Dreamwidth

12. Otter & Ferret Gift Exchange on AO3/Dreamwidth

13. Otter & Ferrest Mini-Fest on AO3/Dreamwidth

Fests where Dramione is allowed/has been seen this year already:

(in alphabetical order by fest/challenge name)

1.  Deflower-Draco 2012 Round on deflower-draco on LJ

2. FirewhiskeyFic Monthly Challenge 2012 on firewhiskeyfic on LJ

3. Granger Enchanted Fuq-Fest 2012 on GrangerEnchanted.com

4.  Hermione Big Bang Round 1 (2012) at hpbigbang on LJ

5.  HP Fanart Fest 2012 on hp-fanart-fest on LJ

6.  HP Humpathon 2012 at hp-humpdrabbles on LJ

7. HP Hump Day 2012 at hp-humpdrabbles on LJ -  February 2012

8. HP Hump Madness 2012 at hp-humpdrabbles on LJ

9.  HP Kinkfest 2012 at hp-kinkfest on LJ

10.  HP Podfic Fest 2012 at hp-podfic-fest on LJ

11.  HP Prisoner Fest 2012 at hp-prisonerfest on LJ

12. Malfoy Manor Fic War 2012 on GrangerEnchanted.com

13.  HP Porn In The Sun Fic Exchange on hp-porninthesun on LJ

14.  HP Reversathon 2012 at reversathon on LJ

15.  The Harry Potter’s Valentine’s Day Het Fic & Art Exchange 2012 at wizard-love on LJ

I know there are many fest/challenges right now that are in the middle of the writing phase and so we won’t know if there will be any Dramione action happening there until they post. I’ll update the list when those happen.

If you can think of anymore that are currently on-going or have happened already this year to add to the list, please do so!

lj: dramionedrabble, lj: dramione_duet, lj: dhr_icontest, lj: hawthorn_vine, activities: fests, lj: dramione_ldws, lj: dmhg_challenge, lj: dramione_remix, lj: dhr_advent

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