Little Lion Man

Aug 25, 2012 17:46

Title: Little Lion Man
Series: Harry Potter
Rating: Teen
Summary: A series of drabbles for the "20 Prompts, 20 Drabbles" challenge on the HP Challenge Forum.
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy. Lots of other characters. Dramione, of course
Status: Incomplete 5/20
Author's Note: I'm having a lot of fun with this. The first chapter, I feel that I interpreted the prompt in an unexpected way. The second prompt, I just enjoyed writing.
Disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Harry Potter or the characters associated with the series. Those rights belong to J.K. Rowlings and anyone else she says has rights to it.

All on for now:
Chapter 1 - Snow
Chapter 2 - iPad
Chapter 3 - Hat
Chapter 4 - Picture Frame
Chapter 5 - Cheating

specs: ewe, specs: children, genre: romance, era: pre-epilogue, genre: humour, genre: fluff, specs: happy ending, era: post-dh, era: post-war, rating: pg-15, fic post, specs: marriage, length & status: wip, drabbles, era: post-hogwarts, activities: challenges

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