The Round Robin is Coming!

May 14, 2012 17:12

After lurking on the H&V help desk in search of information that was actually in the news' archive, I discovered the ticket about round robins and for the past six days I've been obsessing. Yes, the entire article was under twenty words, BUT those nineteen words have crawled under my skin and in a process I'd rather not discuss, a tiny little egg was...incubated??? release? birthed? dispense like pez candy?

However, hatching this egg has been quite the struggle and I find that if I do not garner enough interest, then I shan't ever experience the empty nest syndrome, and instead will have to scramble my poor egg babies and permanently migrate to the Arctic Circle for fear of the backlash.
ETA: Participation in this round is closed. Thank you to everyone who signed up.

To begin, a "round robin" is a fic in which one author starts and other authors add chapters to e.g. Person A writes chapter 1, Person B writes chapter 2, Person C writes chapter 3, etc. Ideally, and if fifty million people don't sign-up, the alphabet persons would write an additional chapter because I like the symmetry of a perfect circle...

As it stands, the participants right now include myself, unseen1969, alina290, captainraychill, and dormiensa; I am in search of two more authors before beginning. BUT!! if H&V is to have The Best Bird's Nest Ever, then totally next to everyone should sign-up and bring twigs. :)

Now, before feathers start to ruffle, I'd like to dispense of any perceived what-have-you-nots. The minimum commitment for full-fledged participation is two 100 word minimum chapters and/or beta services. I'm still wishy washy on the maximum word count, but given the expected absurdity, I'm close to settling on 1500. I would say 1000, but I don't want folks to get ansty over writing a chapter that's 1109 words and be sad. Moving on, the minimum commitment is one 100 word chapter. Alas you'd be a demi-circle!

Of course, since other authors will be joining in, feel free not to resolve any major plot points, to respectfully disregard any developments not to your earnest liking (for another harebrained idea), to set up something completely inconceivable and totally ridiculous, to outrage the readers, to be lazy and poop out, and really just to have fun and engage other dramione fans.

ETA: Some participants are currently discussing possible plot/summary ideas and a title for such a venture over on Sonorus. Hopefully, we can be sorta diplomatic about it over there. If you want go like all wild and crazy and germs then there's an entry in my person LJ (its a hot mess). So yeah round robin = everywhere.

ETA: Although there are enough participants to get started, the number to finish is ever expandable. :)
I hope many of you join me in this first ever bird nest competition and those who can't enjoy the eggs of our labor.

round robbins, participation, activities: challenges

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