FIC: Bend or Break [7/?]

Feb 05, 2012 16:44

Title: Bend or Break
Author: charlottetrips
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance
Characters: Draco, Hermione, Ginny, Harry
Disclaimer: Anything from the Harry Potter-verse belongs to JKR.  The plot is mine.
Summary: In one moment, everything falls apart in Hermione's life. Her world in turmoil, she's reaching the breaking point.  Someone unexpected might be able to bring her back. And if he can, she'll learn more than she thought possible about love, loss, and learning to heal.

Chapter 1 - An Ending & A Beginning
Chapter 2 - Him
Chapter 3 - Cliff Edge
Chapter 4 - In the Middle
Chapter 5 - The Baby
Chapter 6 - A Funeral & A Visitor

Chapter 7 - Breathing
She could breathe. With the morning still gray, the world not quite awake, it was the first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes. The air moved into her lungs easily, the weight that had been sitting on her for so many weeks gone.

fic post, length & status: wip, length & status: multi-chapter, genre: au, genre: drama, era: post-war, warnings: character death

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