Title: Monstrosity
Rating: T
Summary: Based loosely on Disney's Beauty & the Beast. Dramione style. Harry and co. run around in an alternate reality where a cauldron can talk, Mad-Eye isn't completely mad and Hermione starts to consider the possibility that she might be schizophrenic.
"Was I not in the dungeons only two days ago? Did we not come to some sort of agreement that we can't stand the sight of each other?"
"The sight?" A servant clarified from below; it was little Flitwick. "Does his appearance frighten or upset you, Miss Hermione?"
"Oh, nonsense," Hermione scoffed. "His countenance is nothing when compared to his disposition. I could hardly care whether he were a werewolf or an overgrown pigeon, were he not such a complete classist misogynist."
Flitwick blinked up at her in uncertainty. "So… his appearance does not strike you as alarming?"
"Everything about him strikes me as alarming," Hermione assured him, allowing the bitterness to flow through her words. "But not in a way that frightens me so much as it infuriates me."
"That's… relieving to hear, I suppose."
"But what really alarms me," Hermione pressed, seeming to have not heard the servant's latest remark. "Is how he could expect anything good to come of us dining with one another! We already find it quite challenging enough to behave civilly when I don't have sharp knives within reach."
Flitwick nervously glanced up at her, reassessing her temper. Perhaps the most alarming individual of this duo was not his master, after all.
Chapter 14 | Decisions, Decisions