Hi all :D
I'm in a massive need for a beta, I had planned on at least having my o/s for the Decade Later Challenge on H&V to be complete and edited by now but alas, time (and several versions of this prompt fic) has gotten away from me and now there's 2 weeks until the complete o/s is due.
SO ... any beta's out there for a pinch hit? Deets under the cut below...
My main problem area's (according to my old fandom beta's) are commas (I like them, a lot hehe), grammar, tense (I have been known to change mid sentence... honestly I think it's because when I write over a couple of days/weeks I get confused as to what tone I'm using) and of course for HP, the old Brit Pick.
I love constructive crit, plot bunny help or ideas on how a sentence/thought could be worded better/made to read a lot easier. I take direction well and one of my main mottos is "if in doubt, cut it out"
This o/s is sitting now at 4k and should be done in under 7. Its not that angsty, a lil humor, a lil sexy times alluded to and a few choice words, probably an R rating to be on the safe side. I am quite happy to send you a slice of what I have so you can see if you're up to the task and honestly I'm quite happy to have two or three beta/helpers on this, I like having a few different points of view.
Long term, I'm in the middle of writing a m/c which should be around 30k so if this parntership works out, there is a possibility a long term word swap if that's also something you're interested in.
So how bored are you? You can PM me on LJ or
email .
MANY thanks in advance! Boo
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