Ain't No Sunshine, One of One (1/1)

Jan 03, 2011 01:30

Anoter revision - hopefully this is better now!

Title: Ain't No Sunshine
Word Count: 2,400+
Status: Complete
Rating: M
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: He feels lonely when she leaves him, the emotion only creating a little niche he settles into. In there, it is only darkness and nothing else, nothing happy - nothing that he desires. Not the way he wanted her, for example.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I know. IT SUCKS.
Beta: Tasha (lyndsie.fenele) came in, again, at the last minute for me! Thanks so much :).
Banner: made by Avalon from TDA
Notes: Ain't No Sunshine, the song, is in no way mine. Bill Withers is the proud owner of that one!

One of One

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