I'm not too sure whether or not I've posted these chapters to here before, but here's the completed version, with all the linkage you'll need!
Title: The Letter
Word Count: 5,109
Status: Complete
Rating: PG13 - for language! And a little bit of TNA :P.
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: Harry happens upon whispered voices one night, Hermione is tutoring Malfoy, and Draco receives a letter from his mother -- with what as the result?
Beta: Kate! Thank you so much, sorry that it was so rough!
Notes: Warning people now that this was written in a short period of time, after a long hiatus from not writing. Hard to get a plot, and even harder to keep going. Hope it’s not too bad. Thanks for everyone who reads it -- and likes it :P.
Chapter OneChapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four