
Apr 12, 2010 17:25

hp_spring_fling has just finished posting! The master list will be up on Wednesday. In the mean time, there have been some great D/Hr one-shots and multi-chapters. Isn't trying to guess who wrote a fic half the fun anyway? :)

The Charms Assignment [R] for aleysiasnape | Hermione needs to get that book. She also finds that she needs something else, and Draco Malfoy happens to be handy.

To Bend or Break [R] for the community | Hermione knew her fiancé was stubborn, and he quickly learned she could be, too. They had learned to compromise on the big things, but their refusal to compromise over one small issue could cost them everything.

This Mortal Coil [R] for inadaze22 | Draco is drunk in a pub with a confession to make and a story to tell. Hermione listens.

Ready Ankles [PG-13] for thebigdisaster | When Draco and Hermione join forces in an effort to mend a broken relationship, things instantly start to change. Before they know it, nothing is safe anymore. Not the margarine…or even their own hearts.

When Strange Things Happen [R] for luciannamalfoy | Draco’s only really known Granger for a year. Then strange things happen, and he’s at a complete loss. So he does what he does best, and meddles into things he shouldn’t.

Rising Above the Odds [PG-13] for alexajohnson | When Draco is required to live as a Muggle as a part of a rehabilitation project after the war, he thinks it cannot get any worse when one of his childhood enemies is assigned to be his Muggle liaison.

An Impossible Attraction [NC-17] for jenl3227 | There is nothing worse than finding yourself falling in love with the enemy, especially when you should know better.

lj: hp_spring_fling

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