Fic: A Marriage Most Inconvenient 1/?

Feb 03, 2010 23:33

Title: A Marriage Most Inconvenient
Author: yesterday4
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Ms. Rowling. The premise, which was too DHr to ignore, is based on Patricia Coughlin’s Merely Married, which is a fantastic book if you’re into romances!
Part: 1/?
Summary: Draco Malfoy has a plan to avoid an arranged marriage: quickly marry a dying woman, end up a widower, and then reap the societal benefits. If only his bride had acted accordingly. If only his bride didn’t have a plan of her own. DHr, with a side helping of Ron/Pansy because I love Pansy and cannot not write her.
Author’s Note: This is all for the lovely itsbeenvery, for her generous donation to help_haiti. Hope you like it, sweetie! Also, please do not worry about the WIP status of this story. I would never abandon something like this. I've made sure to write a bit ahead, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. :)

"What if you married someone everyone hates who is already dying?" Pansy enthused, clapping her hands together at the very idea...

rating: r, fic post, specs: marriage, other ships: ron/pansy

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