Fest fics!

Feb 02, 2010 08:49

Good morning, my lovelies! hp_kinkfest is in full swing, and currently there are three Dramione pieces posted. Scurry on over and give the writers some love (and while you're at it, give the other pairings some love, too!). Please note: the tagline for this fest is "anything goes", and they mean it. READ THE WARNINGS on fics, and if you don't like something, don't read it. (And if you do read it, you have no one to blame but yourself.)

Moving on! Current Dramione pieces are:

inspired_ideas: The Marked Man - kink showcased: scarification.

marsdeafaden: Devour - kink showcased: deep throating.

ldymusyc: A Gentleman's Education - kink showcased: sexual education/initiation.

activities: fests, fic: recs (rating: nc-17), activities: exchanges

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