fic search! whee!

Jan 25, 2010 23:47

*ehem* I always felt a bit guilty thinking about posting a fic search post because I don't want to waste people' time--but I can't find this fic and it's driving me to your favorite fruit of choice.

I think it was a one-shot, maybe two part.
I do remember seeing it in lj format, most likely at dmhgficexchange.
The fic was basically about Hermione getting revenge on Ron who was caught cheating on her, by having sex with Draco--who happens to be in love with Hermione. Bellatrix plays a cameo at the very end as a surprise twist (oops! I gave away the ending :P).

I have been wanting to read dynonugget's earlier fic for quite some time, but I learned that they have been taken down. Is there any way to access fics such as "Longing Fulfilled"?
Thank you! I loaf you dough much! :D

fic search

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