dmhgficexchange - Stage 2 Sign-Ups Now Open!

Sep 07, 2009 23:12

Ring in the New Year with Draco and Hermione

As of right now, the second stage of sign-up for next round of dmhgficexchange is open. This means that those of you who've never joined one of our exchanges before are now welcome to go to the sign-up post and join in on the fun. (If you've written with us before, but missed the first stage, you are of course still welcomed.)

The sign-up post can be found HERE - where you will also find all the info you need.

Just please remember - we have a sign-up cap of 50 participants. We can't sit by the post and see when we've reached this number, which means that until the post is locked/comments are disabled, you're able to sign up - even if there are fifty people who've signed up already. So even if your request goes through, it might happen that you were, unfortunately, a few people behind. We hope this won't prevent anyone from signing up if they want to join in but in order for us to have an exchange at this stage, we need to keep it smaller.

Now, off and sign-up!

Your dmhgficexchange mods, eucalyptus, maplesugrrrl, itsbeenvery and myself.

lj: dmhgficexchange

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