♥ Draco and Hermione - Cliche Fest '09!

Mar 27, 2009 19:45

♥ Draco and Hermione - Cliche Fest '09

This is a simple, no-pressure challenge, which encapsulates three loved things in our community: clichés, fests, and awards. ;D

The idea is to compile a list of challenges based on the clichés, and then to pick a challenge and write to your heart's content. This is not an exchange. There is no deadline or pressure for you to finish (although it is encouraged!), and it is open: you don't have to do something to issue a challenge, and you don't have to issue a challenge to write; it is not anonymous; it is completely at your own pace!

The only things I will do is e-mail you periodically asking for writing updates in time for awards. The awards will be created depending on the outcome and statuses of the fics (i.e. completed, work in progress, not uploaded et cetera). :)

( Important Notes & Procedure )

( Issue A Challenge )

Note: This challenge will be posted for archiving usage at dmhg_challenge, and posts will be continually posted at dramione :)

activities: fests, specs: cliches, lj communities, activities: challenges

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