Another Story

Mar 04, 2008 20:23

Okay, so it's probably a bad idea to start two stories at once, but I feel as if I have to. There are a couple stories that I have begun writing, and I usually get writer's block so instead I will need a couple of stories going at once, so I can overcome that and keep moving on. Instead of leaving you guys in limbo for the time in-between.

So, here is another one.

Title: What the Mind Can Conceive
Rated: NC-17
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Word Count: 1634 (again, just for the prologue)
Summary: Hermione works for a company that helps figure out crimes. Somehow, Draco Malfoy gets brought into a scheme. He and Hermione have to go across to Las Vegas to figure out a suicide that had taken place in one of the hotels.

In the midst, people are going to lie, people are going to root for things that they aren't supposed and something might sprout from two unlikely people. Is the suicide the only thing that is happening? Or is it bigger?

Hahah, so here it is.

Review please!



specs: co-workers, fic post, era: post-hogwarts, rating: nc-17

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