reccomendations por favor?

Jul 08, 2007 18:14

Hey guys!

I'm a new recruit, and I'm actually not exactly sure whether this is allowed or not. But I was wondering if you wonderful wonderful people could reccomend me a fic or two based on the following:

1. I'm really bored with the whole HEADBOYHEADGIRLLOLOMGIMINLOVENOWDUH Hogwarts fics, but if there are any that are particularly amazing please let me know :)

2. The darker the better, I think that's the best thing about this ship is it's really angsty tragic star-crossed lovers kind of quality. I'm ok with character deaths as well, I'm a big girl.

3. I. LOVE. WAR. FICS. love them.

4. I also love affair fics, there really aren't enough of them!

5. And last but not least I try to avoid nicefluffyreformed Draco as much as possible. I do enjoy double agent draco, but I mean, come on, he's an asshole, that's why we love him right? Don't neuter him.

If you know ANY fics, one shots anything that meet any or all or one or two of these guidelines I will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, love you forever.

request: fic recs (genre: dark), request: fic recs (infidelity), request: fic recs (era: war), request: fic recs (era: hogwarts)

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