Rec me some fics please

Mar 07, 2007 00:19

I need to get back into my fanfic reading like I did before. so I would like it if you could rec me any fics that has any or everything of the following in it, am in a mood to read those kind of stories he he.

. Jelaous Draco or Hermione
. They once was togheter but broke up and then after a while realize they want eachother
. Hermione getting pregnant while in hogwarts
. A story where they do not fall in love at once, but once they do it get complicated

. any headboy/headgirl stories that is well written

I would be happy if I could get some recs thanks

request: fic recs (headboy/headgirl), request: fic recs (jealous!draco), request: fic recs (pregnancy)

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