Wrote this for the
dmhgficexchange, and just wanted to point that out :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Read if you like, it's all in good fun.
Title: A Frank Discussion
wieimmerDisclaimer: JKR is a billionaire and I need $216 for that speeding ticket I got. Do you think I profit from this in anyway aside from getting a few good laughs? No, I didn't think so...
Rating: Arrrrrrrr.
Warnings: Language, and Adult Situations (oh my!). Implied sex, and mention of girth too!
Notes: Totally a comedic piece, and I loved writing it. Thanks
bewarethesmirk for the beta. Dude, you rock.
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Hermione and Draco are stuck at work. No, it’s not what you think. It’s better.
Clicky-clicky for the ficky! Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!!