HAS to be done by Monday:
-- Handout (get to Matt by Saturday)
-- Butterscotch pie! (Saturday)
-- "Purgatory" for Gassner Festival
-- "Profit" for Gassner Festival
HAS to be done by Tuesday:
-- "RUR" by Karel Capek
-- "Conceiving" etc, DAT
-- "The Dramaturgy of Reading" etc, DAT
HAS to be done by leaving time Tuesday:
-- Pack >_>
-- Clean kitchen (stove, sink, counters, floor)
-- Clean bathroom (bath, sink, toilet, floor)
-- Clean bedroom (vacuum, organize)
-- Clean common room (vacuum, dust, clean desk)
-- Laundry (including bedding)
-- Chapter 8/Lehman reading for Monday.
-- At least one set of reading notes for Michael.
COULD be done by leaving time Tuesday, not as big a deal:
-- Gassner readings for the week following.
-- Starting an outline for Maxine's paper?
-- Katie Mitchell articles read so I can start paper over break.
-- As much stuff for protocol as is humanly possible.
Val and I went to see New Moon because her roommates bought tickets but then they didn't want to go. It was DEFINITELY worth it. I actually liked it better than the first one, I thought it was a lot better. I credit this to the fact that they had a bigger budget and they didn't put that nasty blue filter on everything. MICHAEL SHEEN was everything I could have wanted in an Aro and more. I'll stop myself there, but. Wow. VOLTERRA WAS VOLTERRA! THE SNOZZBERRIES TASTE LIKE SNOZZBERRIES! And the ending was perfect. XD
Perhaps even better was the impromptu theatre that was created when the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the theatre. First, some people refused to leave the theatre, and then the epic whining began while we were waiting outside for the firetrucks to do their thing. We eventually got to go back in and. Well:
dramaturgy: Oh god. And then we were being let back in the theatre, so we were waiting for the movie to get started again.
dramaturgy: When this group of tweens in the middle of the theatre start "ED-WARD *clap clap* ED-WARD *clap clap*"
dramaturgy: And pretty soon we get, "JA-COB *clap clap* JA-COB *clap clap"
thinkatory: *dead*
thinkatory: SO DO I
thinkatory: That is. XD
dramaturgy: I was like DEAR GOD IT'S GOING TO BE A BLOODBATH.
Oh and there was more ~drama tonight. Honestly I think we're all at the end of the semester and we all need a nap and a juicebox but none of us are getting either so we're just cranky.