I haven't updated since before Christmas, so happy belated Christmas/Winter Holiday of your choice.
sal;kfj sorry watching series four Doctor Who and Rose just appeared on the screen behind the Doctor. (Watching Midnight. It also has Colin Morgan being a woobie, as he does.)
Christmas was good. The food was delicious, my family was great, and gifts were a hit. I got some DVDs that I'd put on my list, a computer game called Mystery in London that's unraveling the Jack the Ripper mystery (so naturally I am on board). I got a new straightening iron for my hair, jeans, and a gift card to Lane Bryant that I can use when our 60% Fashion Week rolls around. \o/ My grandmother also got me a Snuggie. Yes. Those fleece blankets with sleeves in it. Those things that my dad and I make fun of on late night TV. We found many alternative uses for it, including a bathrobe, being a monk, and playing Fruma Sarah in Fiddler on the Roof. I got a lot of books too! Inkdeath, and A Lion Among Men (which means I'll actually have to read Son of a Witch), and Tales of Beedle the Bard, as well as a book about Venice, and Mental_Floss's History of the World, and books two through four of the Temeraire series. I bought the first book at the same time as I bought Game of Thrones, and we all saw how that turned out.
The one thing I didn't get was Spring Awakening tickets, so I will probably find the dough to go, if by myself. I don't really want to go by myself but I can't really pay for someone to go with me and I wouldn't ask somebody else to cough up that money just so I wouldn't have to be alone. :\ Because there is no way I am missing the tour. :|
I wasn't supposed to work today but Lane Bryant called me in. Bah. But since I'm taking a week off for Kitty to be here, I should probably be taking all the hours people can give me.
One more chapter of
fathersandsons to go. I was working on some icons for
valyrian_forged but I don't think that the set is going to be done before the first game is done. I'll probably just have to post as many as I have done and then post the finished set later.