Nov 17, 2008 11:09
I'm sitting here at Panera in Davenport (I work at 1 so I had to ride down with my brother in the morning, long story short) and I just turned to look out the window and it was SNOWING. Just a little. But it was definitely snowing. And then I glared outside and it stopped. :D We'll see how long that lasts. Also, I was standing in line to get a sammich (om nom nom) and this little girl (four, maybe fiveish) said, "Gramma, that lady's so tall!"
I went back to Coe yesterday to see Electra, the second fall production. It was amazing, no two ways about it. It reminded me why I love theatre. Not just why I love going to see it, but why I have to make it. I have to do theatre in some way or another. It's one of the few things that all civilizations on earth have had (especially if you're applying a wider definition of theatre), and there's nothing like watching an actor pour themselves into a shell that we call a "character," or helping them to do it.
Also, they made it RAIN in the Dows. That was my first question at the talk back. "I spent four years in this theatre, how did you make it rain?" Basically they took a sprinkler system that would be buried in someone's yard and put it in the grid. I'm gobsmacked. It was brilliant, it worked wonderfully. The walls of the house were supposed to bleed to, since Orestes killed everyone he was supposed to, but the pump jammed and it didn't end up doing that. Damn shame, it would have been awesome.
Everyone was phenomenal. I just. I love it.
My sister, also, skipped classes on Wednesday to go to Chicago with some of her friends to this one Hot Topic where they were selling t-shirts and wristbands to get in an audience with Robert Pattinson. XD It was quite an adventure from the sounds of it. They didn't get in to that smaller audience, but they watched him give a public address in front of Macy's. I asked if he looks as drug addled in person, and she said yes. XD Oh, Robert Pattinson. Never change, please. XD
work hard for the money,
hail hail to coe,
family by accident,
beautiful things,
guys this is awesome,
oh fandom,
funny 'cause it's true