Guess who’s back? :)
“Wow” is the only word I can think of that covers my overall reaction.
Friday was boring because all we did was travel. Although Sara being motion sick did come to a great in-joke of Pregnant!Sara which basically continued for the entire trip and was wonderfully hilarious.
Saturday we first went to Brooklyn to play for the patients at the Hearst Cerebal Palsy center. As we were driving through, other kids on our bus were gawking at the Jews (as we were apparently driving through a dominately Jewish neighborhood) and taking pictures. And giggling. Sigh. They are so stuck in their own little white bubble. I wanted to smack them so badly my hand was actually hurting in anticipation. -.- After that we got a nice little bus tour of the Midtown area by bus. It was interesting that we were driving through Times Square when CNN made the live announcement that Ronald Reagan died on the big screen thingy.
Medieval Times for dinner was a lot of fun. It was sort of cheesy, but it was okay because it was the fun kind of cheesy that everybody got into. If nobody had cheered on the knight, it would have been really stupid but everyone did get into it. Especially the people in front of me who kept standing up so that I couldn’t see a thing. Stupid bastards.
Sunday was a great day from my view point, theater nerd that I am. We went to a “Broadway Bound Workshop” in the morning, which was way cool. One of the actors from The Lion King came and talked to us about acting and being on Broadway and all that. He plays Ed, and was very nice and entertaining. The only bad part was that we had to walk up five flights of stairs to get there. O_O And they cheated. We reached the fourth floor and we all breath a sigh of relief and say, “One floor to go,” you know. Well, no. We climb one more flight of stairs and reach floor 4M. CHEATERS, I tell you.
We had a few hours to walk around the Times Square area. We spent an obscene amount of time (and money) in the Virgin Records megastore, and I got a Wicked shirt at a store that sold stuff from Broadway shows. A couple kids caught a woman being mugged on video camera, and a couple others caught a pickpocket on video and reported him to the police. Interesting experience, I know.
The Lion King was so amazing that it deserves to start a new paragraph. The costumes and sets especially were amazing. Zazu and Rafiki were still great and still my favorites. :D Then after we went to the matinee we had a dinner cruise around the island. It was nice, seeing the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the Brooklyn bridge, but I think we all had more fun finding Joe’s tickle spot and throwing him off our laps. Good times.
Monday was our busiest day. Some of us left the hotel at six to be at the Today show. Props to Tony and Andrew for standing right behind Matt Lauer and waving their signs around. They got on TV. When the girl standing behind me said, “Who died?” while they were talking about Ronald Reagan, Rachel, Katie, and I decided to leave before our IQs plummeted any further. We went to a coffee shop and I had the best hot chocolate I’d ever had. We t00bed around Rockefeller Plaza until we got to go on the tour for NBC studios, which was cool. We saw the studio where Conan films (it’s small) and the SNL/Last Call studio.
South St. Seaport was nice, very pretty since it was right on the water and we could see Brooklyn. After lunch we walked to the 9/11 tribute center, and then to the World Trade Center site. There’s nothing there but a big pit, but it’s kind of neat in a morbid sort of way. You can look and see where the sidewalk drops off. There was where we had our air band with air guitar, air drums, air kazoo, and Rachel playing a Diet Pepsi bottle... with air. Therefore it counted.
Then to Chinatown and Little Italy, where I met Kristine aka
weasleyluvr! Joe was rather disappointed Tine was not a bulky, 40-year-old man. He was looking forward to running away. :) Joe and Sara were very good sports while I met Kristine and we had fun running around Chinatown. It was a sad moment when we had to part, mostly because then it was off to dinner in Little Italy. The chocolate dessert was to die for, even if I didn’t know what it was. Then we yet again transferred, this time to the Empire State building. I didn’t care much for that as I had a horrible case of vertigo and couldn’t walk in a straight line for awhile after that.
Tuesday was sad, because it was our last day. We took a group picture on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and something like ten of us stuck around there while the rest went to Rockefeller Plaza. Joe, Sara, Rachel, and I went through the Medieval Art and Arms and Armor section, and then we went through a limited display called Dangerous Liasons, about sexuality in art and life in the 18th century, featuring mannequins in compromising positions that made me want to reread Dragonfly in Amber. Then came a final visit to Rockefeller Plaza, where Joe, Sara, Rachel, and I very nearly ran to 41st street between eighth and ninth avenue to visit Nederlander Theatre, where Rent is performed. Shaking moderately badly, I had my picture taken in front of the theater and then we had to run back to make it back to the bus. We pulled out around a quarter to three, and headed home. Again, nothing exciting happened unless you count Sara and Joe making out in the seat behind me and I frantically texted Kristine in a fit of “WAH.” I’m rather confused about the entire thing, really, although I’m not entirely why. We arrived home at 8 AM in the morning and here I am. ::sigh::
What I liked best and I think what caught most people off guard was the sheer size of everything. The buildings, especially, and we drove through Times Square at night... wow. It was all so gorgeous. I think natural things like the mountains are beautiful, too, but this city was something else completely... a different beautiful.
I saw PoA and LOVED it, except for they never explained Harry’s patronus or how Lupin knew how the map worked. I loved Sirius and Remus, I think that they were both dead on. No pun intended on my poor dead beta fish. I will undoubtedly go see it again.