(no subject)

Sep 21, 2003 14:33

very_vogue got the people on the icon right. It is Jason and Courtney from General Hospital (or 'hopsital' as my little cousin would say). ::claps::

My brother just walked past me and meowed. Waaah.

Am getting blank disks from my daddy at work. ::yayees and hoorays::

Adventureland was not so bad. Was not third/fifth/seventh/nineteenth wheel, because I was with Joe, Alex B (different from Alex that I am going to talk to tomorrow), and Alex's girlfriend Karen, who met us there because she lives about three blocks away. The only part that I could have lived without was in the minitheater, where they were holding a magic show. We went and ended up standing against the back wall in the balcony. The house lights were off and Joe and I were snarking at the magician (because Joe knows how all the tricks are done), and when Joe turned to say something to Alex, Alex and Karen were making out. We got really interested in the magic show really fast. And then when the magician went into the audience looking for an assistant, the house lights came back on and they jumped apart pretty quick. Joe and I spent about thirty seconds trying really hard not to laugh, and then Alex said, "Oh go ahead."


Yeah, it was really entertaining.

know who your friends are, heck yes i'm from iowa, family by accident

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