Flames... Flames on the sides of my face...

Aug 21, 2010 15:59

SO. I am never eating at Edo again.

Went into downtown today, foraging for beads and wire and to replace a couple things I lost in Ashland. Ate at the Bay Centre, as I usually do in downtown. Went Edo, which is sort of a combination of Mongolian BBQ with very few choices and basic meat and noodles Japanese. My order was the first one on the line and the grill guy put in the veggies and the noodles and the meat and then starting piling up a plate for the guy behind me in line. I was ready to take it away and eat it while it was hot, but first I did as I usually do and asked for extra sauce. He looked at me and grinned and said "Men first" and finished the guy behind me's plate before putting extra sauce on mine.

I swear, my whole brain went into WTF shock. So. Angry. Never ever eating there again. EVER.

bad thing is bad, my life, feminism

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