May 22, 2010 02:05
- 12:38 @ tyynimeri HOO-RAH #
- 14:20 @ havenward Definitely read "graphic guide to six" as "graphic guide to sex". Oops. May be time to get off Twitter for a bit. #
- 14:21 @ havenward I'll be back when I've written at least two more pages. #
- 15:30 @ Electric44 @rickoverton Liberterribles. Alternately, liberty #
- 17:27 Have reached a quote where the only commentary I have is "Sing it, babe." Professor probably wouldn't like that. #
- 17:31 @ rikkisixx Aww. *provides you with internet cake* #
- 17:56 @ HautTotes I get lots of compliments on my bag, I always give your name out! #
- 18:09 @ HautTotes Warhol? #
- 19:30 @ tyynimeri You, m'lady, need more hobbies #
- 20:04 @ lisamantchev You and Amy Pond! #
- 20:58 @ havenward Of course you are, @bergopolis is working on it. #EUReKA #
- 20:59 @ colewagoner Isn't being a cool cat an insult coming from you? You don't like cats... #
- 21:15 @ Doris_Egan Ooh. Ninjas are a great way to fill gaps. #
- 21:16 @ colewagoner Not gonna happen as long as the CW network exists. Sorry, your initials are taken. #
- 21:22 @ colewagoner What's the M? #
- 21:25 @ colewagoner Michael, Matthew, Mark, Mathias, Morgan, Mitchell, Milo, Mycroft, Martin, Marvin, Marlon, Merlin, Marco #
- 21:28 @ colewagoner Okay, I'm going to start by eliminating Mycroft, Merlin, Mathias, Marlon, and Marco. #
- 21:30 @ colewagoner Eliminating Marvin, Milo, and Morgan #
- 21:30 @ colewagoner Okay, given @havenward I'm going with Mitchell #
- 21:31 If men are predators and women are prey, the attributes are masculine predatory/feminine...what? #
- 21:33 @ colewagoner @havenward BWAHAHAHA! A winner is me! #
- 21:34 @ havenward *high fives indeed* #
- 21:34 @ havenward Question: If men are predators and women are prey, the attributes are masculine predatory/feminine...what? #
- 21:37 @ colewagoner Do I still get a victory lap? #
- 21:38 @ colewagoner Thank you! :) #
- 21:40 @ havenward Yeah. I need it as a personality attribute, as all the other binaries are expressed that way but I can't find the word. #
- 21:52 @ havenward Dinner has come up as well. And lots of puns. #
- 21:53 @ havenward I feel like docile overlaps with submissive, weak, and gentle, all of which have their own binaries. #
- 21:55 @ havenward Om nom nom. Doesn't really convey the idea, but I like it in some respects. #
- 22:00 @ havenward Preyed-upon? Not that that necessarily works in context... Whatever the word is, Starbuck isn't it. #
- 22:05 @ amandapalmer That is a most excellent goat puppet. Hail to Guthrie. #
- 22:11 @ havenward I have calls out all over the internet and the consensus seems to be that prey are not important enough to have an adjective #
- 22:18 @ havenward Why else would we not have a word for it? And yes, raptorial is an excellent word. Use it in a tweet tomorrow. #
- 22:57 @ zephyrsky Freshness Burger? #
- 22:58 The problem with watching Iron Chef is it makes me HUNGRY #
- 23:01 @ viridian But the dubbed Japanese is hilarious #
- 23:03 @ zephyrsky Awesome! #
- 23:06 @ jerilryan Well now I have to convince someone to go with me... #
- 00:08 @ amandapalmer Are there elephants in there? #
- 00:09 @ colinferg Oh dear. Hope tomorrow is better... #
- 00:35 @ zephyrsky ...should you not? #
- 00:36 @ amandapalmer So say we all. (Except for this damn paper I'm writing) #
- 01:23 @ zephyrsky Really? Huh. Learn something new everyday. #
- 01:58 You don't want to be the person in charge because you already ... More for Sagittarius #
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