The Day in Tweet

May 18, 2010 02:01

  • 02:03 On page 7 of the paper. Plotbunny says MUST WRITE FIC NOW. Why is it so much easier to write fic? #
  • 02:17 You are encouraged to set higher goals and to reach even farth... More for Sagittarius #
  • 02:49 @ EmiliaDG Darn it. Such high hopes... Guess I'll have to content myself with DW while I wait. :) #
  • 03:00 Not only fic writing, but damned WEEPY fic writing. So many tissues... #
  • 03:50 @ havenward Sorry to hear that. I got bit by the plotbunny, haven't managed sleep yet... #
  • 04:00 Okay. 10 pages of fic later, can't decide if I want to try and finish this page of the paper or just freaking sleep. #
  • 09:30 Dear 'rents: You call me at 8:45 when you know I was up past 4 and then you put the phone down, still on it, and forget about me? NOT ON. #
  • 10:21 @ Jynxetta HOO-RAH!!! #
  • 10:21 @ Electric44 Any updates on a #Leverage s3 prescreening?! #
  • 10:25 The oatmeal box LIES. In those proportions, for that amount of time, about a quarter of the oatmeal actually stays in the bowl. *cleans up* #
  • 17:21 @ jaimepaglia Are we in any way surprised? @bergopolis ROCKS #
  • 19:24 @ havenward Trucco's going to win, right? Right?! #
  • 19:24 @ rikkisixx I vote baked red taters #
  • 19:27 @ havenward I'm sorry, the further in we get, the less I ship Castle/Beckett. And I don't like how he is about her. #
  • 19:37 @ havenward Which is fine. But I would like that half-season with lots of Trucco and his sparkling blue eyes. #
  • 19:39 @ havenward I'm appreciating Trucco playing a role where I'm not obligated to dislike him. He's such a sweetheart. #
  • 19:47 @ havenward Trucco's or Beckett's? #
  • 21:41 @ JeriLRyan Hi! Great to have you here! #
  • 21:45 @ b0bg00dman Cold feet? #
  • 22:35 @ rikkisixx Agreed! #
  • 23:01 I... may be over #Castle. I don't find him cute anymore, just irritating and juvenile. #
  • 23:18 I am monumentally over shows whose plot includes "and btw career women suck at relationships" #Castle #Glee #WH13 #
  • 23:19 @ JeriLRyan Once you're endorsed by @bergopolis, your coolness factor multiplies exponentially. #
  • 23:22 @ krystianity Which is why it's not completely dumped yet. We'll see at the end of the summer if I'm willing to get back into Castle #
  • 23:53 @ havenward Peeing anxiety? #
  • 23:56 @ havenward Ah. Well, these things happen. My brother has some Odd Ideas too. #
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