Apr 02, 2011 03:08
- 00:46:29: A very happy birthday to the brilliant, talented, and beautiful @Maddow! :D
- 01:31:29: At first, controlling others appears to get you what you want ... More for Sagittarius http://twittascope.com/?sign=9
- 03:30:53: I've barely slept in the last 36 hours. less than 4 hours total. Time to try again. Come on brain, work with me.
- 12:55:09: @ havenward Maybe if 17th Precinct gets picked up...? ;)
- 12:56:10: @ avarielwings *reasons I don't have Firefox 4 yet* ;)
- 13:22:41: @ camposova Everyone's a little mad you know...
- 13:24:23: @ bethshepsut Mokey!
- 13:51:50: @ havenward Those are really good ones
- 15:06:21: Okay, reading articles about Corey Perry and his fantabulous March hot streak is making me completely giggly and giddy. #NHLDucks
- 15:13:20: Mint tea with lime and honey flavours is not as good as mint tea mixed with limeade. Just saying.
- 15:18:00: @ LATherocomplex You got a teacup, too?
- 15:23:58: And now, marking round 3. The essay question. O_O
- 15:38:10: @ LATherocomplex Wow. How are you so lucky?
- 18:43:45: I am starting to be concerned that @ Maddow is so keyed up on the show tonight that she's going to strain something...
- 18:48:22: @ tyynimeri Not till Monday, dude. I'm in super marking mode.
- 20:32:41: Fewer than 20 left to mark. I am so gonna get done tonight. Then I can go to the movies tomorrow and out for coffee on Sunday. Score.
- 21:04:11: Parents, teach your children about the passive voice.
- 21:05:01: RT @rikkisixx: Dear @twitter, you know what would be nice? If when you are looking at someones profile, it would tell you if they follow ...
- 21:35:11: Dear my students (yes, multiple) 12th is not spelled out "twelthf". No love, Me
- 22:04:52: Done marking! Forever! (For now)
- 22:40:16: Done, done, and done. Time to shower and have dinner and start quietly panicking about Monday.
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