From Twitter 01-08-2011

Jan 09, 2011 02:13

  • 00:13:09: @ Jynxetta So far *fingers crossed* I'm still in Old Twitter.
  • 00:14:20: Oh Rachel Maddow, why are you in a happy, committed, and mutual relationship so I can't legitimately propose to you?
  • 00:14:46: @ Jynxetta Now I'm afraid though. *clings to old Twitter*
  • 00:17:05: @ Jynxetta I LIKE old Twitter. Why do I have to CHANGE? Why can't I have what WORKS for me?
  • 00:40:56: Arden editors, you are SO not my favourite people right now. *sorts through line numbering mess*
  • 01:03:30: @ jeffeastin - Neal's holding it, Mozzie is next to him. It's the one where Neal wants to distract Burke from Alex.
  • 01:51:29: @ havenward Yay!
  • 01:56:43: @ ruckawriter "Complete" doesn't mean "Finished, never to be written again," does it?
  • 02:00:20: @ ruckawriter PHEW. (Totally right answer. I would be devastated if there was never to be any more Tara)
  • 02:22:04: You may be feeling less certain about a recent decision, as to... More for Sagittarius
  • 11:27:13: RT @TeresaKopec: Jesus. Gunman shoots five including Democratic congresswoman at townhall in Arizona :
  • 13:58:37: Need to get up and go. And yet...
  • 16:56:03: RT @ruckawriter: Words have power. Words have power. Words have power. Words have power. Words have power. #wordshavepower
  • 17:26:34: @ villainny I despair anyway.
  • 18:17:51: RT @Equill: It's past time for people 2 have 2 answer 4 their inflammatory statements designed to incite fear, hatred, & violence in nam ...
  • 20:18:05: @ bethshepsut WHAT?!?! LOB?
  • 20:47:59: @ bethshepsut The thing about Little Old Bookstore, that was a joke, right? Right?
  • 21:34:07: @ tyynimeri Gee thanks. ;p
  • 23:48:42: @ Echo6979 Purty show. (David Tennant and Catherine Tate doing Much Ado in London this summer :D:D:D)
  • 23:52:17: @ Echo6979 Yay! You likey Ein Kuss Von Krampus?
  • 23:56:04: @ Echo6979 :D I sniffed it and it seemed like a very you thing.

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