Student Gems, The Final

Dec 04, 2010 00:06

"The period of Alexander was called Menander"

"Alexander the Great was a pope that had negative afflictions with theatre."

"After Alexander the Great conquered damn near all the known world"

"In New Comedy, however, the parabola was cut out"

"ended in 404" Okay, I know that the Athenian Classical period ended in 404BCE. But... it's funny when there's no year indicator on it.

"Seneca was a play by Terence"

"to allow the "hooker with a heart of gold" and the "boy next door" to see each other and flourish their love" In most places, flourishing your love at someone will get you arrested...

"to enable them to meet and have kissy kissy time"

"He was a perscriptive, idealist, moralist, and socratic dialogue."

"He is a realist, unlike Plato, and also a: scientist, textonomy, and another word that best describes him is dialogue:"

"large falle penis's" I despair, I really do. What is the world coming to when a young man in university can't spell penises? (That, by the way, is a student noting that his favourite part of the class was the prof discussing satyr penii)

"the braggart soldier's cortizane"

"Terence was a fried slave"

"Terence was a freed salve from North Africa"

"his work was written in spoken Latin"

"Also, that a small penis was considered atractive and dellicata"

"Plautus would be the man from many many years ago that first a strange animal and named it the Platypus." I DON'T EVEN KNOW

"Terence was a Roman Playwrite whose floral use of language meant that his plays were taught in schools"

"Seneca was a play written by Terrence where the people of Athens had become slaves."

So, I did all the marking in 27 hours. 792 questions. That included 10 hours of sleep and an hour of L&O|UK, so 16 hours of marking.

Went to the end of year drinks thing with the prof and took her the exams, explained how it all had shaken out. So, Prof decided that since most of the students didn't explain the significance of the terms and were docked the appropriate 1 pt per question for that, lowering their grades, she wanted to throw out the significance point and so I had to re-mark all 72 to take that into account, adding 7-10 pts to a lot of exams. I feel like I rewarded them for not following the test directions.
Prof said I only had to look at the bottom half of the class, but I don't think that's fair at all, what about the people who only missed significance on a few questions? They got decent grades the first time 'round, but they shouldn't be shorted if the rules are changing for everyone.

So now they're all re-marked. All 72 of them in an additional 4 hours.


grad school, i'm a ta with a ba going for an ma

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