Jul 22, 2007 15:17
I know its been forever... So lets see life in list form(thanks bethany).
I have been at WV for what seems like forever... 6 weeks I think. I only have two more to go.
I have not lost the weight I intended to. Boo me!
I have made some really good friends. all boys. Does this say something. I find it hard to connect with girls. They are all so damn giddy and GROSS. It just takes me alot longer to like them I think.
I played poker with said boys and came in second... I won 7 bucks!
The next few weeks should be easy as pie. We have been working on a lot of personal projects.
I am not looking forward to packing all this stuff into two suitcases. I may have to buy a carryon..> With the money I DONT have!
THis all brings me to the most important, most life altering, Most HOLY SHIT update.
Chris got a full time theatre job at the University of Southern Mississippi. He asked me to go with him. So I am! I will be moving to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The job is so great for him. He will be working as the Scene shop Supervisor. Which is the same job he had at Tarleton as a student. But making considerably more money doing it. Full benifits, paid vacation... Bliss! His first day is August 21st. Which means after we get back from our summer jobs we will have 14 days to move! AHHHH
"But what will Bailey be doing?" you may be asking yourself. Well I am going to keep applying for theatre gigs and maybe some seamstress gigs. I do not intend to sit on the couch and play housewife! He doesnt pay me enough JK... Also the school said they may have an opening for me in their grad program starting in the spring. Thats right ladies and gents... I may be in grad school before you all know it~
So there you have it. My life currently is pretty groovy.