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Sep 30, 2004 01:03

Well i actually accomplished a few things tonight...sort of. This whole "homework" idea is killing me. I haven't been this stressed out in..well i don't think ever. I've been more stressed out but that was a different kind of stress. That was "what's-his-name-" stress. Working 40 hours a week and going to school full time is not all it's cracked up to be. Real jobs are over-rated. My classes are so time consuming and i have no time to myself. I've been out once since i've been back from NY but that's actually a good thing. I feel like i don't even have time to take a shower or do anything though. Whenever i'm home i've got lists of shit to do but all i want to do is go to sleep..so i do. Well, Jen suprisingly helped me out. We talked last Wednesday and tonight on the phone and she has a lot of the same stresses. She actually listened to me bitch really well and made some very helpful suggestions which i have tried and they worked pretty well. The reason i seem suprised is cuz i haven't really had a conversation like that with Jen for years. Since i was 15, and really then at that age the convo's were a not quite like they are now. God i wish we were kids again. I love Jennifer. She made me happy that night. School fucking sucks. It sucks so bad. I HATE school. It's such a pain in the ass and a waste of time. My interior design teacher is nut. She's so discouraging. I don't even want to talk about her right now. My computer programming teacher is goofy and really sweet. That's going pretty good so far. My communications class is definately interesting but fun. Everyone in the class is so different and unique. I like it b/c i learn something new about people every class and appreciate them for who they are and not who they are pretending to be...like a lot of people i'm used to being around. I've been so interested lately in learning about different kinds of people. Giving my life a little more variety and substance. Well, i had one other conversation tonight that made me feel so much better...i don't know how she follows my stories (i couldn't) and seems to motivate me a little every time i talk to her. It's like weights were lifted of my back. Ash and i talked to a little over an hour. I had so much to say b/c she's really one of two people in the world that i can talk to. Welli guess three if i count Jen now. Why do my two best friends have to live across the country??? :( So sad. And one really hasn't been talking to me. So i'm stuck here against my will in Arizona(which is great but i miss my friends), and i haven't had a real conversation and just spoke my mind for like 2 weeks. I've pretty much stopped talking to everyone here except Nate and he's like my best friend but i can't talk to him like that. I NEED my girls. I was about to have a breakdown before i talked to Jen last week. And i don't think it will be to long until i feel like that again. At least Brian will be here in 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED. it will be very interesting, to say the least. So i have to get up in 4 hours so i better go to sleep. Goodnight!
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